My Publications


RCG Rabbi Chanan Gordon Yated

Chanukah 2017 from Johannesburg to Yated


Hamodia Rabbi Yaakov Menken

Behind The Wall Part II

Jewish Journal

"Table For Five" - Parshas Vayeitzei


Mom's Five Tools for Living


RCG Rabbi Chanan Gordon Yated

Chanukah 2017 from Johannesburg to Yated


Hamodia Rabbi Yaakov Menken

Behind The Wall Part II

Jewish Journal

Time of Israel

America is Becoming Polarized...

and Losin the Purpose of life in the process he Process

Fighting the wrong battle...

based on erroneous assumptions

It’s not a Duck, it’s a Dove

time to drop the pretense of journalist integrity

Most Americans Are Using

Only 10% Of Their Brains!

Observations and Lessons...

Learned by South African jewish liberals